
Showing posts from April, 2019

The Job of my Dreams

Hi Hedgehogs! Do you remember that I told you about how much i like movies and series? Well, there's something about it that i didn't tell you. When I was younger, my dream job was to be a movie director. I love a good movie and it can be tell that i'm a huge cinephylum. So when is about a camera movement or an scene frame i'm super fan of what the directors do to express the narrative. I know that it can be kind of incoherent but if you ask me about a famous movie director i'm not really wise about it. Of course I know Kubrik, Spielberg, del Toro or even Cuarón, but there's a lot of names on the movie world that is hard to be specialist. I know about good films. I can remember the  name of the films but not the name of the directors. The thing is... at the end i didn't study to be a movie director, cause is an expensive career and actually a very closse world to work in, it's kind of hard rise to that world. That doesn't mean that i

A Holiday

Hi hedgehogs! The Full Moon is coming. Winter is here (yes I´m a GOT fan, maybe one day we can talk about it) This Weather makes me want a holiday... badly. So today I´ll talk you about holidays, especificly one: my favourite vacation (until now). Context: It was the spring of 2008, I was 10 years old, and my family was hosted a exchange student from Brazil. His name was Joao, he was 12 years old, and he came to Chile to play Basketball for an international encounter in my city. The thing was... My family and I, well... we were pretty humild, but we gave him all we had, and treat him well. So Joao was so greatful, that when he went back to Brazil, his parents send us on cristmas, fly tickets to travel to Rio do Janeiro!!! And in the summer of 2009, my mom, sis and I went to Rio and spend 3 weeks in Brazil with Joao´s family, first on Rio and then we travel to Brasilia. It was AWESOME! It was the first time I fly on an airplane, the first time I went to a different country,

My Hobby

Hi Hedgehogs! It's cold outside. The weather is perfect to stay at home and watch some Netflix series. Don't you think? Well, I gess that if i have to choose a favourite Hobby, I'll say watch series, or movies, or even read a book, whatever activity that makes me enter on a different world, that makes me dissconetc from this PATH of life. It's just that... This life style... this system its so overwalmed. We need a hobby that help us to not think, to escape from this reality, and mine is watch series... I started when i was 15 years old. I used to read more books, and even i started to write them. But buy books, or even publish them is so, so, soooo expensive. Then I discovered the series, that are longer than a movie, so i can cosume them more slowly. And soon i got addicted. And soon I got hungry for more. And soon I realiced that series makes me feel... less sad? Ok. don't think that I'm a weirdo, sadess guy. I'm overthinkg this. Trying to fin