The Job of my Dreams

Hi Hedgehogs!

Do you remember that I told you about how much i like movies and series?
Well, there's something about it that i didn't tell you.
When I was younger, my dream job was to be a movie director. I love a good movie and it can be tell that i'm a huge cinephylum. So when is about a camera movement or an scene frame i'm super fan of what the directors do to express the narrative.

I know that it can be kind of incoherent but if you ask me about a famous movie director i'm not really wise about it.
Of course I know Kubrik, Spielberg, del Toro or even Cuarón, but there's a lot of names on the movie world that is hard to be specialist.

I know about good films. I can remember the  name of the films but not the name of the directors.

The thing is... at the end i didn't study to be a movie director, cause is an expensive career and actually a very closse world to work in, it's kind of hard rise to that world. That doesn't mean that i don't like my actual carrer, is just that i wanted to be a movie director, and if i have the chance in a future i'll take it.

My Imagination... well it can be tell that is the one thing i love about me, i don't know what i could do without my capasity of imagine stuff. That's why i love to write stories, that's why i would like to be a movie director, cause i know that i can tell stories, and get with them to de people's hearts.

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I'll give you and example that I love from a movie:

On Harry Potter and the prisoner of azkaban, the director Alfonso Cuarón make a great Job with the camera movements to express the fear, the calm and the emotions of the characters, even use them to work with the time travel narrative passing the frame throut the tower clock, It's really amazing.
One of the last good movie I saw was The Favourite, I don´t remember the directors name, but in the movie works  the actrice Emma Stone (I love her). Well, in the end of the movie, the director puts one scene overlapping the other and another accompanied with the music, expresing the emocional postion of the characters in that moment, and it is overwhelming but beautifull.

Ok... so...
I just wanted to tell you about it. I think i owed that to you. And I think that i could be a good movie director. In fact recently i had an idea for a serie of the FAU students on the pircas hahaha, it can be funny.

See ya...


  1. The idea of a serie in the FAU is really good, but I imagine it more like a reality show, with a lot of drama in it

  2. I watched The Favourite last weekend. I really enjoyed it.


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